Mar 27, 2010

dear jack..

Hello jack, i know you may never read this note, but it's dedicated to you...

You have dedicated your life to the security of the united states and the rest of the world. So much you've put at risk while serving the CTU, you put life on the line over and over again. You battled your drug addiction, you saw your friends suffer or in some cases... die. You've been betrayed and judged. For this we are sorry, and for this we thank you. This was your sacrifice.

7 days, each worst than the other. But we were there, we were there when you ripped out the head of that terrorist, when your daughter was gunned down in an armored car, when teri left, when palmer got shot in the neck, when you kidnapped the president of the united states, but more important... you were there when we needed you.

How many kneecaps you shot? how many takedowns you performed? how many bullets you fired from your 9mm? who knows? I wonder what's left in that messenger bag of yours, I wonder if there is a little 9mm babygun that would resurrect for the next generation.

Farewell, you. I wonder if its just a matter of time. Can you die? is that your sacrifice? i see your end, but i refuse to believe you can die. You cannot die jack, you've given us everything. Let this be the greatest countdown in history, for is the last day for jack bauer, the greatest action hero ever to walk the screen. Now that i know the end is here i see you as you've always shown us, as a man willing to lose everything.

Be sure of one thing: your past will always be remembered... for in those memories you live on.

Thank you, I mean it.

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