Dec 28, 2011


Missing someone is like that feeling you get when the oreo drops in the milk.

That feeling you get when the bleach falls in your clothes.

That feeling you get when you reach for juice and the bottle is so empty you pull it fast as if you have superpowers.

That feeling you get when the printer runs out of colored ink and asks to print a black and white document instead.

That feeling you get when you don't immediately understand the ending of a movie.

That feeling you get when you can't find your keys inside your own pockets.

That feeling you get when you can't use the Force to pick up the remote control.

That feeling you get when the vending machine gets stuck.

That feeling you get when the bookmark falls off its page.

That kinda thing.

In the end all you can do is hope for that other person to feel twice as good as half as crap as you are feeling. And that, my dear readers, would mean: completely happy.