Jan 3, 2012


Love stories have a very particular and -sometimes- sad shape, they are a circle, always. I'm talking about the original love stories, not the ones that end half way through, like the ones from Hollywood. But I figured out why they end in the middle: they are symmetrical. If you want to know their ending, just mirror them backwards.

A complete love story can always be told in reverse and it will remain a love story. Different timing, still, a love story. Make the last kiss the first. Instead of frowning her brow is relaxing. And if you rewind the first kiss, they'll never see each other again. That's why love stories end halfway through, because you know the rest, and stories are about what we know nothing about. And circles only close or turn around, we do know all there is to know about circles.

Those are love stories, but true love is no story, stories end. True love is just a never-ending beginning, for something that cannot end  there can't be anything else but a never-ending beginning. True love is like a song, not a story, you can play a song forever and it'll still be a song, and it will be your song.



David Moreno said...

And love is "evol", spell it backwards, I'll show ya...

Jomar Bustamante said...

You're back!

Yenny Villalba said...

I loved it!!! *.*