Aug 10, 2013

Are you missing out?

You’re reading this. Good. Now look around you, literally.

Look up. 

Just the ceiling, the sky? When was the last time you looked at the sky? Can you remember the last time you looked at a cloud and tried to figure out what it looked like? You’re spending more time looking into your screen than looking into yourself. More important, you’re not looking into the people around you.

You’re taking pictures of moments you’re missing out for taking a picture. You’re sending that picture to people that will stop doing what they’re doing to see a moment that doesn’t belong to them. You’re missing out.

You stop doing what you’re doing to pick up your phone to check for status, photographs and posts as if they’re not going to be there in 5 minutes. Trust me, they’ll be there after the party is done. They’ll be there when your friend stops talking to you. They’ll be there when you finish your work.

What are you missing out when you run out of battery? Nothing.

Turn off your phone for a while. Think of something, remember an old joke, get a coffee with an old friend. Touch the sand, sing a song, pull out your tongue, try to pick up the remote with your mind. Just do something. Then share it. Live a life worth sharing, then do it, and see if others are doing the same.

Do yourself a favor, run out of battery and answer this question: are you missing out?

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