Jan 26, 2012



In the beginning the Universe was an ocean. All was drowned. The Earth was a stone swimming its way in circles around a great, great starfish called Sun. Sun shone and all was dim, all was good. The great octopus Ávila fell in love with the warmth, it fell in love with a star, for love was life, and life was light, and light was warmth. Love was all in the ocean. And so, one day  Ávila wanted to live, he wanted more light, more warmth.  Ávila rushed towards Sun and with his beak he kissed Sun, and it was warm, and it was good. But love is fire, Sun shone bright, and  Ávila burned, the ocean boiled, and  Ávila was wounded in Sun. Yet Sun was sorry, so he wept tears of vacuum, for Sun was in the ocean. And the Universe was ocean no more, for it filled with sorrow.  Ávila fell, and lay on the rock called Earth, his tentacles dried, and he wept tears for Sun, tears of joy; for he had loved. And those tears created the new smaller Ocean, they created life, and life surrounded  Ávila. And all was bright, all was good, somehow better.



Unknown said...

I thought that Octopus was called Warairarepano

andresmorales said...
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Carlos Peláez said...

Es una bujena imagen, un pulpo.... Yo he escuchado que de hecho tiene su mito originario, que Waraira repano significa "la ola que vino del mar, el mar hecho tierra". Que antes tod era plano y se veìa el mar, y los pueblos indígenas hicieron algo que arrechó a su diosa y ella les mandó una gigantesca ola para arrasarlos, pero viéndola venir los humanos se arrepintieron e imploraron perdón. La Diosa se apiadó y solidificó la ola antes de que les cayera.